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Text Processor Features

Text Processor is best for bulk text processing. Easy text merging, split text, text encryption, text comparing, and many more.

Text Processor Features


Split, Merge, and More.


Merging Files

Merge text files with customization options.

Split Files

Split text files based on file size, number of files, matching words, number of lines.

Compare Files
Compare Files

Comparing text files side by side. (To compare files. Select two files only and right-click)

Sort file
Sort Files

Sort files in specified ascending or descending order.

Data Modification

Add Text

Add Text

Add text anywhere in the file at the top, bottom, line number, and matching position.

remove line
Remove Text

Add text anywhere in the file at the top, at line number, matching position & punctuations.

Header Footer
Add Header & Footer

Add header and footer in the text file at given positions.

Find Replace
Find & Replace

Find and replace text with ease.

Data Extraction

Extract text

Extract Text

Extract text with ease with various conditions.


Extract multiple kinds of metadata like phone number, IP address, Timestamp, and many more.


Count matching text and line numbers.

Convert Files

csv file


Exports to CSV (Comma Separated Values)

Export PDF Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel

Export to xlsx

text case converter
Text Case

Convert text into many various cases uppercase, lowercase, and many more.

Protection & Security


File Encryption

Encrypt & Decrypt files.

Compress Files

Compress & Decompress files.

Password Security

Allow password in a file for strong security.

Powerful Algorithms

Strong algorithm for better security.

Text Processor Easiness
PDF Batch Processing
Batch Processing

Process millions of files at once.

Colorful GUI

Colorful GUI

The colourful GUI helps to work faster with visual decisions.

text file

Inbuilt Text Viewer

View Text files with limited multiple-language support.

files processing log file

Create Log

Create log for processing files.

Open File Location
Open File Location

Easy to locate the file.

Copy Files

Copy Files

Easy to copy files.

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